Greg Hunter talked about the budget cuts with military terminlogy "sequestration", and he illustrates its impact to the society. The exigency about his speech is to make people realize the fact and importance of the cut and compare the cut with the government funding towards financial institutions for rescue buying act of the mortgage debts. As the government spending and expense in interest payment shooting sky-high record, majority people are whining about the apparent loss of social expenditures, benefits or facilities; however, they forget about the tremendous amount spent on the rescue act of buying the mortgage debt from financial institutions.
Published on Nov 28, 2012
Ray Suarez talks to Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R-Tex., one of the authors of the plan, and Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill.The exigency of this clip is that the two retiring Republican senators,Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, R-Tex, and Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill. proposing a compromise plan for immigration reform. The proposal of letting young illegal immigrants to be legallized might be a big leap from illegal status to citizenship. It might be more acceptable to the public for granting these young illegal aliens legal status instead.
Hunter's speech was opinionated with mix of informative and persuasive, while Suarez's interview clip was presenting the new plan idea of immigration reform.
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